
توقف ملايين المواقع على جودادي Godaddy.com ليلة ذكرى 11 سبتمبر

قبل قليل من الآن تبين أن سيرفرات جودادي Godaddy.com والكثير من المواقع المستضافة على سيرفراتهم (ملايين المواقع) قد توقفت وبالأخص خدمة الـ DNS حيث أعلن موقع TechCrunch.com ذلك وذكر أن أحد الهكرز ويدعى AnonymousOwn3r من البرازيل يعلن مسئوليته عن هذا التوقف، ولم يوضح أسباب هذه الهجوم في هذا التوقيت وأضاف الموقع أن سبب المشكلة الرئيسي يرجع إلى توقف سيرفرات الدي إن إس الأساسية التالية عن العمل

نص الخبر على الموقع

GoDaddy Outage Takes Down Millions Of Sites, Anonymous Member Claims Responsibility

According to many customers, sites hosted by major web host and domain registrar GoDaddy are down. According to the official GoDaddy Twitter account the company is aware of the issue and is working to resolve it. Update: customers are complaining that GoDaddy hosted e-mail accounts are down as well, along with GoDaddy phone service and all sites using GoDaddy’s DNS service.

Update 2: Anonymous is claiming responsibility. A member of Anonymous known as AnonymousOwn3r is claiming responsibility, and makes it clear this is not an Anonymous collective action.

A tipster tells us that the technical reason for the failure is being caused by the inaccessibility of GoDaddy’s DNS servers — specifically CNS1.SECURESERVER.NET, CNS2.SECURESERVER.NET, and CNS3.SECURESERVER.NET are failing to resolve.

AnonymousOwn3r’s bio reads “Security leader of #Anonymous (~Official member~).” The individual claims to be from Brazil, and hasn’t issued a statement as to why GoDaddy was targeted.

Last year GoDaddy was pressured into opposing SOPA as customers transferred domains off the service. However, AnonymousOwn3r has tweeted “I’m not anti go daddy, you guys will undestand because i did this attack.”

تعليق الموقع الإخباري "سي بي إس" على واقعة الهجوم المدمر :

(CBS News) GoDaddy, the domain registrar and Web hosting company, is down, perhaps taking millions of websites down as a result.

"Status Alert: Hey, all. We're aware of the trouble people are having with our site. We're working on it," @GoDaddy tweeted Monday.

TechCrunch reports that GoDaddy email addresses are down, as well. The blog suggests customers concerned with that their site has been affected can check online status at Down For Everyone Or Just Me.

A quick call to the company's customer service line resulted in this voice message: "If you are having a problem with your email, we are aware of the problem."

Twitter accounts claiming to be associated with the hacking group Anonymous claimed responsibility for the attack.

"Basically, every GoDaddy site on the planet just crashed," @TibitXimer tweeted.

"#TangoDown - godaddy.com," @AnonOpsLegion tweeted Monday, claiming that the Twitter account @AnonymousOwn3r was responsible for the breach. "TangoDown" is the term that Anonymous generally uses to signify that a website is down.

"By using / supporting Godaddy, you are supporting censorship of the Internet," @AnonOpsLegion tweeted again later.

GoDaddy was the target of protests after it was discovered that the company supported unpopular bills the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA).

GoDaddy did not immediately respond to CBS News' request for comment.

وقد تم تأكيد الخبر على حساب فيس بوك الخاص بشركة جودادي كما في الصورة من حوالي ساعتين من وقت نشر هذه التدوينة
بأنهم على علم بهذه المشكلة ويعملون على حلها

 وأيضاً على حسابهم على تويتر بنفس المضمون كما في الصورة

وجدير بالذكر أن بعض المدونات المشهورة قد توقفت فعلاً مثل
 Elliotsblog.com, DomainNameWire.com and Domainincite.com
وأحد مواقعنا المتواضعة

نأمل لهم العودة السريعة ولكن قمة الغرابة عدم امتلاك جودادي لسيرفرات تحميهم وتمنع مثل هذه المشاكل بشكل كامل واعتمادهم على سيرفرات محدودة في dns.

إذا كنت من أصحاب المواقع المتضررة تابع معنا على الروابط التالية آخر التطورات

صفحة جودادي على الفيسبوك
حساب جودادي على تويتر